A Plane Economy of Space Surfaces From The Concepts of Einstein and Euclid

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Scientific Paper
Title A Plane Economy of Space Surfaces From The Concepts of Einstein and Euclid
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Author(s) Marvin Eli Kirsh
Keywords representation of volume and space, Einsteins theory of relativity, Newtons laws of motion, Euclids? Parallel Postulate, proximity, emergence, universal logic, asceticism, natural ethic, hunter gath
Published 2009
Journal None
No. of pages 48

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A unification of the sciences is attempted. The ?concept?, conceptual structuring of the world, is accounted for as the perceptual product of the means in which the world is actually actively structured as difference states of an energy-energy or energy-matter conversion product whose continually becoming state bears perceptual and cognitive reality born of the objects of sensation, and who present (verses becoming) state is unwitnessible by virtue that it is also the means of mental as well as physiological processes (i.e. is not visible to itself). Hierarchy in conceptual ordering, in model, is an active and flexible reflection of an unwitnessible state as the delivering agent of a constantly becoming state, i.e. the experienced environment; the value of temporally enduring constancy in the former as the agent of the same in the latter: the concept is an ordered set of differences of processes involved in the making of the world. . A contrast is drawn between actual (in the frame of nature) and apparent (in the frame of witness) emergences, (the logical verses the illogical respectively) in light of a redefined notion of proximity to the senses in which the actual physical/temporal paths of emergences rather than perceptual senses of closeness, reach-ability or experimental reach-ability are measures of distance. The theory of relativity, reflecting in its' conceptual construction common interpretations of proximity, is claimed to be overlapped with respect to the physical and the conceptual in a manner in which its' empirical meaning/realization exaggerates the real size of volumes of space.