Accelerating Clocks Run Faster and Slower

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Scientific Paper
Title Accelerating Clocks Run Faster and Slower
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Author(s) Raymond H Gallucci
Keywords time invariance, relativity, light speed, accelerated motion
Published 2015
Journal None
No. of pages 3

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Einstein’s relativity contends that time, as measured by clocks, slows with increasing speed, becoming especially noticeable as the speed of light is approached.  Discussions of this usually focus on constant speeds, albeit near the speed of light, and phenomena such as muon decay (near light speed), or even the Hafele-Keating experiment (at much slower speeds), are cited as ‘proof.’  Dissident scientists often contend that time remains invariant, although clocks may appear to run slower at increasing speeds.  At least one such scientist contends that accelerated clocks can run both slower and faster, an interesting departure that I decided to examine via some examples.  To the extent that my examples are correct, I too would agree with this conjecture, namely that, while time remains invariant, clocks can run faster and slower when accelerated (but not at constant velocity).

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