Alternative to Relativity including Quantum Gravitation

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Scientific Paper
Title Alternative to Relativity including Quantum Gravitation
Author(s) Ron Pearson
Keywords {{{keywords}}}
Published 1991
Journal None
Pages 278-292


A solution to a major problem concerning the big bang theory of creation demanded the existence of a background medium. This meant that relativity theory could not be incorporated. An exact classical mechanics (ECM) was therefore derived in which light propagated through the medium and absolute speeds were introduced that were also measured from the local medium. Geometry was Euclidean with time universal. The equation E = mc2 = E0/sqrt(1 ? (v/c)2) appeared by considering the horizontal acceleration of a massive object from a state of absolute rest and typifies achievements of the theory. Though appearing like relativity, so that the same experimental checks were satisfied, the interpretation was quite different. It appeared without the excess baggage of a Lorentz contraction of matter and space and without time dilation. The speed v was absolute: not relative to an observer. Einstein's ?curved space-time' was replaced by a background medium whose mass density reduced with distance from objects. Exactly the same equations resulted for the doubling of deflection of starlight grazing the Sun and for the perihelion advance of Mercury. The Shapiro time delay was also matched. The effects Einstein called speed and gravity ?time dilation' now appeared as clocks losing or gaining time due to speed and gravity induced mass increase and the magnetic effects of linearly moving electric charges inside atoms. Again end equations identical to Einstein's appeared: the same checks were satisfied. Then since the initial assumptions were totally compatible with those of Feynman's QED and QCD theories, which cover the other three forces of nature, it was a simple matter to offer a quantum theory of gravity to provide unification.