Big Bang or Full Stop?

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Scientific Paper
Title Big Bang or Full Stop?
Author(s) Alphonsus G Kelly
Keywords Big Bang, Hubble's Law
Published 2005
Journal Galilean Electrodynamics
Volume 16
Number 6
Pages 106-108


?Hubble's Law' states that the further away a galaxy is, the faster it is receding from Earth. But, the red shift of light from galaxies in-dicates their recession speeds, at the time of emission of the light. The correct interpretation is, therefore, that the farther away a galaxy was at the time of emission of the light, the faster it was recessing. The nearest galaxies give us the most recent information; the more recent the information, the slower the recession. A logical conclusion is that the recession of galaxies has decreased gradually to a present steady state. This means that the ?Big Bang' theory is not sustainable and that the Universe is not expanding.

Reprinted in Proceedings of the NPA, V2, pp. 67-79 as "Full Stop or Big Bang?"