Light Propagation in an Expanding Universe

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Scientific Paper
Title Light Propagation in an Expanding Universe
Author(s) Alexandros Paparodopoulos
Keywords light propagation, expanding universe, light waves/particles, kinematic equation, cosmological principle, light cone, space-time surface
Published 1994
Journal None
Pages 99-104


In an expanding space, propagating light waves/particles participate in the expansion as originally proposed by W. H. McCrea (1962) and S. J. Prokhovnik (1963). The resulting mode of light propagation is expressed by a light "kinematic equation", which is a direct consequence of the cosmological principle and can be mathematically deduced from the Robertson-Walker metric. This leads to an important consequence, that the Minkowski light cone is transformed, in expanding space, to a curved space-time surface. Our new approach offers a more physically intelligible interpretation of the observational astronomy and theoretical cosmology and provides simple and direct answers to many abstract expositions of the conventional theory.