The Core-Planets' Tilt and Spin Rate can be Explained by the Solar Protuberance Hypothesis and Gyro-Gravitation

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Scientific Paper
Title The Core-Planets\' Tilt and Spin Rate can be Explained by the Solar Protuberance Hypothesis and Gyro-Gravitation
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Author(s) Thierry De Mees
Keywords solar sunspot, core planets, solar protuberance, retrograde, prograde, gravitomagnetism, gravity, gyrotation
Published 2009
Journal General Science Journal
No. of pages 9

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Several of my former papers showed that a huge solar protuberance created the gas planets of our solar system. A curiosum is the changed sequence order of the actual gas planets compared with their sequence order when the solar protuberance has occurred. In my paper "Is the Earth a Former Solar Sunspot?", strong evidence was given that the core planets as well were created by the same solar explosion: the impulse of the protons related to the exploded gas-planets out of the sun, corresponded perfectly with the impulse of the equivalent number of electrons that were related to the explosion of the core-planets, at the same instant. In the present paper, I come to the second curiosum, that the proto-planets Mercury and Venus have been ejected in a retrograde orbit, and the proto-planets Earth and Mars have been ejected in a prograde orbit. We show why Mercury and Venus came back in a prograde orbit and why both planets have a very slow spin rate, while the Earth and Mars have almost the same spin rate. Finally, we find that the ejection of the four planets corresponds with the remarkable Titius-Bode law as well.