The Lorentz Aether Theory

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The Lorentz transformations are best known for the relativistic Lorentz factor, 1/√(1 – v2/c2), which appears in the equations of special relativity. It is also known that the Lorentz transformations can be used to derive the Biot-Savart law in the form B = μ0ε0v×E and also the Maxwell-Lorentz force in the form E = v×B. What is not well-known however is that the emergence of these two cross-product equations has got no bearing on the Lorentz factor itself. It is often argued that the magnetic force E = v×B is a relativistic effect, yet it clearly isn’t. While the connection between the Lorentz transformations and the return path Doppler effect in light is a matter of interest, this article will take a closer look at the classical origins of the two vector cross-product equations that emerge from the Lorentz transformations alongside the Lorentz factor, but independently of it.