Alleged Extended Lifetimes of Atmospheric Muons – Does This Really Confirm Relativity?

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Scientific Paper
Title Alleged Extended Lifetimes of Atmospheric Muons – Does This Really Confirm Relativity?
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Author(s) Raymond H Gallucci
Keywords Muons; Atmospheric Density; Altitude: Decay; cosmic Rays
Published 2015
No. of pages 2

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One of the long-standing ‘proofs’ of Einstein’s relativity is the alleged time dilation effect that muons created during cosmic ray collisions with particles in our upper atmosphere experience as they plummet downward at nearly the speed of light. Given the assumption that all are created at one high altitude, relativists see only a ‘slowing’ of their ‘clocks’ as the means by which their decay can be sufficiently delayed so that an unexpectedly (according to classical physics) large number reach sea level. One of the earliest experiments allegedly demonstrating this was by Frisch and Smith in 1963. Dissident physicists have offered non-relativistic explanations for the relatively high numbers of atmospheric muons reaching sea level, including the possibility that they are created by cosmic ray collisions with particles throughout our atmosphere, not just at a single altitude. The plausibility of this argument is examined here as an alternative explanation to relativistic time dilation as the only acceptable answer offered by mainstream physics today.

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