How Gravity Works: A Unified Field Theory

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Scientific Paper
Title How Gravity Works: A Unified Field Theory
Author(s) [[]]
Keywords How Gravity Works
Published 2012
Journal None
No. of pages 1


This explanation of the gravitational mechanism provides a causal mechanism that reconciles physical phenomena with Newton's equation for the force of Gravity. It shows how electricity and magnetism work together to produce the force of Gravity and in so doing presents the first Unified Field Theory. It explains the reason why the gravitational force is proportional to the masses of the attracting bodies and why the force decreases in accordance with a square law scale. The Gravitational Constant is defined. The reason why objects accelerate to Earth in accordance with a square law scale is explained. The architectural construction of the atom is explained; why electrons orbit the atom in up to 8 shells/sub-shells, why the shells contain the number of electrons that they do, and why the shells are offset by at least 45, are all explained.

The hydrogen atom [and helium atom] generate helically polarized electromagnetic radiation (gravity radiation) from polar regions that bombards neighboring atoms drawing them towards the source of the radiation. Gravity radiation then causes the nucleus of the neighboring atom to spin axially (the 'motor effect') and, at the same time, synchronizes the spin of the electrons in both atoms. The neighboring atom, in turn, generates helically polarized electromagnetic energy (the 'generator effect'). Both atoms spin axially in the same direction. Hence, the gravitational forces from both atoms pull in the same direction and the forces are additive.The gravitational Constant G is shown to be the instantaneous alternating magnetic force between any two electron-magnets in neighboring atoms and, hence, the gravitational force F is proportional to Gm1M2 (where m1 and M2 represent the electron count of neighboring atoms).