Proton and Electron Mass Derived as the Vacuum Energy Displaced by a Casimir Cavity

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Scientific Paper
Title Proton and Electron Mass Derived as the Vacuum Energy Displaced by a Casimir Cavity
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Author(s) Ray Fleming
Keywords Proton Mass, Electron Mass, Casimir Effect, Zero point energy
Published 2012
Journal Vixra
No. of pages 5

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  Two of the great mysteries of physics are the origin of  mass and the mysterious mass ratio between the proton and electron of ~1836. In  this paper it is shown that the mass-energy of the proton is equivalent to the  vacuum energy excluded by a spherical Casimir cavity with an average radius  equal to the charge radius of a proton. Likewise the electron mass is shown to  be equivalent to the vacuum energy excluded by a spherical shell with an  average diameter equal to the Compton wavelength of the electron. The ratio  ~1836 is derived as a natural consequence of the vacuum energy exclusion.