Alan Newman

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Alan Newman
Alan Newman
Born (1949-06-14)June 14, 1949
Residence Churchdown, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
Nationality British
Known for gravity, inertia, relativity, universal expansion.
Scientific career
Fields Engineering

Born 1949 in Birmingham, England, I was the only son of my hard working parents Lilian and Cyril. My two stepsisters, June and Rita were born to our mother's previous and only other husband, Bernard, who died shortly after Rita was born.

My father, being born into a working class environment, had lacked opportunities to enter into higher education, but was clearly very intelligent. His appetite for activities such as gardening often gave way to his love of reading factual material, usually history book. My mother also enjoyed the factuality of newspapers but was clearly more interested in novels and the wellbeing of family and friends. Her endearing humorous nature was balanced by a resolute but reserved intolerance of unreasonable or silly behaviour. Also extremely hard working as an office cleaner, having worked as a capstan operator in Birmingham during WW2, she sadly died in 1997 following a cruel sequence of painful ailments.

My modest level of education was probably suited to my slow development. Failing the British 11-plus examination (taken at the age of 11) avoided the strains of attempting to mix with children from a higher social class than mine enabled me to continue mixing with �old' friends at the excellent Portland Road Secondary Modern School in Edgbaston, built only two years earlier. After gaining more exam passes than anyone else in the school's long history, I left in 1965 and chose one of the five apprenticeships in engineering design I had passed tests and interviews for. This was with the car body manufacturer Fisher and Ludlow Ltd, (part of the BMC group), now home to Jaguar.This came to an unfortunate end three years later, after sustaining a knee injury that kept me away from college too long for me to continue with the same apprenticeship, so I left out of boredom after being transferred to a craft apprenticeship. This led me to a variety of occupations too many to list here, but ultimately back into engineering without the status I originally aspired to.

Having married my wife, Chrissie in 1976, we had two fine sons, James and Daniel and moved to the more rural part of England, Gloucestershire. My career so far has been a catalogue of misdirection arising from an unfortunate accident, but that, as they say, is life.

Now to the physics. I felt as though I had a good understanding of science at school, so when I read a book I had actually bought for James in 1998 called �Relativity: the Special and the General Theory' by Albert Einstein, my youthful interest in physics was revived with a vengeance. I had for many years a sneaking suspicion that I would understand the theory if I were to take the time to read it, but was amazed when I finally managed that and to realize that SRT must have a serious fundamental flaw. However, I soon also discovered that academia has little patience with awkward questions.

When confronted by logical objections, I found supporters of Einstein abandon reasonable discussion and resort to claiming that I am unable to understand the theory, but without actually addressing any of my arguments in detail, which frequently reminded me of the tale of the Emperor's New Clothes. After trying to get an article published for a couple of years, I had a reply to an email of mine in 2001 from Paul Marmet, (who I'm sure most are aware of) sadly died in 2005 of complications from bone cancer. While agreeing that the theory is flawed, he thought the iconic reputation of Einstein would hold sway over logic for another generation and so I would be wasting my time in trying to publish a book I was just starting to address the matter.

My immediate scepticism had been no different to many others reading it, but I seemed more able than most to recognise problems with Einstein's �explanations for apparent anomalies' within the theory and was very surprised by being able to discover the fundamental mathematical flaw in September 1999. This ultimately led to my article, �Misconceptions Governing SRT and Interpretations of Related Experimental Results' being published in 2006 by Galilean Electrodynamics. Little has resulted from that, but I assume that I failed to explain myself sufficiently.

During my attempts to make my objections better understood and recognised, I felt it necessary to take matters further and create a theory of my own to make it known that I wish to move things forward rather than just complain. This led me to think about gravity, which turned out to be a much tougher nut to crack, but I am convinced that I have. Published in GED and �Proceedings of the NPA' in 2007. But again no responses yet so I'm hoping to get published a book I've just completed that explains everything in much greater detail and clarity, although I'm having difficulty in finding at least one reviewer to have a chance in attracting funding. The bad news is that I'm about to be made redundant at the age of 60, when no one would believe I'm in my prime!
