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Experimental Aetherometry, Vol. 2B: The Discovery of Dark Massfree Energy
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Author Paulo N Correa, Alexandra N Correa
Published 2006
Publisher Akronos Publishing
Pages 370
ISBN 0968906028

The final part of the Second Volume of Experimental Aetherometry ushers in a Massfree Revolution in Physics. It is the enunciation of an energy-based physics of immanence in the tradition of Spinoza and Leibniz; and it is also an intricate experimental journey that completes and unifies the pioneering work of Tesla and Reich - but goes well beyond them, into territories they could only dream of. The Correas demonstrate how Tesla was quite correct in proposing the existence of an electric Aether; how the anomaly that has been variously known as - Tesla waves, Tesla radiation, Tesla currents or longitudinal electricity - becomes seamlessly integrated, through a strict experimental and theoretical effort, into the properties of what the Correas call ambipolar radiation or massfree electricity. Through rigorous, original experiments, the Correas show how Reich's discoveries concerning massfree energy (OR and DOR) and its dual effect (thermal and electroscopic) upon Orgone Accumulators and Faraday cages are reproducible using ambipolar radiation sourced in the Sun or in induction coils. Thus, this book could as well be titled "The Re-Discovery of the ORgone as Tesla Waves" or "as Massfree Electricity". It is, in fact, the introductory compendium needed for understanding its follow-up, the Third Volume of Experimental Aetherometry on the Aether Motor and the Orgone Motor. But the present volume goes well beyond rediscovery. It is the articulation of a new physics of electricity, for massbound and massfree charges. It lays the foundations for a novel electrodynamics. It proposes a radically different theory of electromagnetism, in particular blackbody photons and 'sunlight', and how these spectra are generated by the electric Aether. It gives new critical insights into the chemical structure and allotropic processes of the terrestrial atmosphere (formation of water, oxygen, hydrogen and ozone). Solar radiation is finally understood as massfree electric energy, and its spectrum is for the first time provided. Finally, this seminal work shatters the accepted cosmological and astrophysical interpretations of the microwave Cosmic Background Radiation (CBR), by way of (1) a new model for the creation of Matter from Dark Massfree Energy, (2) identification of the latter's cosmic spectrum (CBOR) and (3) an energy-based articulation of the Space and Time manifolds. In the words of the authors: "We challenge radioastronomers and NASA to determine whether or not we are correct in predicting radio CBRs from cosmological baryons (hydrogen and helium in particular) in extragalactic space".

Tesla was convinced that ambipolar radiation could not be reduced to fluxes of monopolar charges (massbound electricity) or to electromagnetic radiation, but he failed to adequately distinguish it from either of these. Likewise, Reich failed to provide the energy and frequency spectra of OR and DOR radiation or to concretely identify his concept of 'orgonotic charges' - which confusedly shared both electric and nonelectric characteristics. Before this groundbreaking work, no one had discovered the spectrum of massfree electric energy, described its characteristics, or studied its physical interactions. The present work does just this, by bringing its scientific methodology to bear upon both the strengths and the shortcomings of the approaches of Tesla and Reich, breaking the mythological stronghold that has surrounded them and which for so long has impeded a legitimate scientific understanding of their endeavors. For the first time, the spectrum of the electric Aether (Tesla waves), with its DOR and OR subspectra, is clearly identified - and so is the nature of massfree ambipolar energy. For these reasons, this volume could have been called "The Discovery of Massfree Electricity", were it not also the discovery of the nonelectric Aether - the latent energy of the continuum of Space and Time.

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