Abandoning the Ideas of Length Contraction and Time Dilation

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Scientific Paper
Title Abandoning the Ideas of Length Contraction and Time Dilation
Author(s) Nizar Hamdan
Keywords {{{keywords}}}
Published 2003
Journal Galilean Electrodynamics
Volume 14
Number 5
Pages 83-88


This paper demonstrates that including the 3-vector Lorentz force law within the framework of Special Relativity Theory allows derivation of the fundamental relativistic equations pertaining to a charged particle without using Lorentz transformation, and hence without using its kinematic effects; i.e. length contraction and time dilation. Besides that, the invariance of light speed can be interpreted in a way that does not depend on the properties of space-time. Key words: Lorentz force law, special relativity, length contraction, time dilation.