An Evolutionary Earth Expansion Hypothesis

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Scientific Paper
Title An Evolutionary Earth Expansion Hypothesis
Author(s) Stavros T Tassos
Keywords evolutionary, Earth, expansion hypothesis, finite or infinite, philosophical, seismology
Published 1994
Journal None
Pages 275-280


Although I am a research scientist in geophysics - seismology, I feel that an attempt to answer fundamental philosophical questions, like: Is the universe finite or infinite? Is Is it static or dynamic? Is it an open or closed system? and so on, will provide some intuitive insights into the incomplete and scarce set of data that scientists have to work with.

Furthermore, I've been impressed since my student years, by the dogmatic and simplistic approach of plate tectonics advocates. I rejected, on philosophical grounds, the perfect equilibrium between input and output of crust. I could not understand how easily the energy deficit of convection cells, of plate movements and of subduction was overlooked.