Celestial Mechanics in Spherical Space

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Scientific Paper
Title Celestial Mechanics in Spherical Space
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Author(s) Tuomo Suntola
Keywords Cosmology, zero-energy principle, Dynamic
Published 2001
Journal Apeiron
Volume 8
Number 3
No. of pages 22
Pages 65-86

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The Dynamic Universe model describes space as the surface of a four-dimensional sphere expanding in the direction of the 4-radius. Instead of being defined as a physical constant the velocity of light becomes determined by the velocity of space in the fourth dimension. The changing velocity of light and the dynamics of space allow time to be defined as a universal scalar. Local mass centres modify space in the fourth dimension, giving a space geometry with features that are closely related to those of the Schwarzschild metrics based on four-dimensional space-time. In the modified space geometry the local velocity of light is a function of the local tilting of space in the fourth dimension. The precise geometry of space makes it possible to solve the effect of the 4-D topology on Kepler's laws and the orbital equation. The perihelion shift of planetary orbits can be derived in closed mathematical form as the rotation of the main axis of Kepler's orbit relative to the reference coordinate system. For a full revolution the rotation is Dj = 6pGM/c2a(1 - e2) like the corresponding prediction in the general theory of relativity.