Inertial Mass: a Changing Entity? Weber vs. Einstein, Weber Plus Einstein or None?

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Scientific Paper
Title Inertial Mass: a Changing Entity? Weber vs. Einstein, Weber Plus Einstein or None?
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Author(s) Jorge A Guala-Valverde, Ricardo A Achilles, Roberto Blas
Keywords electron?s inertial mass, mass-energy equivalence
Published 2005
Journal Apeiron
Volume 12
Number 3
No. of pages 2
Pages 351-352

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Mikhailov claims to have measured changes in the electron's inertial mass when located inside a uniformly charged spherical shell. The above mass, calculated by Assis founded on Weber's force becomes mW = mo - qV/3c2 for a charge q placed in a region of Coulomb's potential V. In page 161 of Mikhailov states: ?So, if q and V have same (opposite) signs there is a decrease (increase) of the particle's effective mass.? Then, for q = ?e and V = k(Q/R) > 0, we get a mass increase yielding m = mo + eV/3c2 > mo.

We remember now that also Einstein's mass-energy equivalence, mE = Energy/c2, allows us to predict the electron mass-electrostatic potential dependence, of the same order of magnitude but opposite in sign. As a matter of fact, we have described the electronic mass defect taking place in the atomic electron. Let us consider an electron inside a positively charged spherical shell of charge Q, radius R producing a potential V = k(Q/R) > 0. The mutual electrostatic potential energy is ?eV < 0, so that a positive work must be supplied to carry the electron to infinite.