Minimum Contradictions Space-Time Ether - Everything

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Scientific Paper
Title Minimum Contradictions Space-Time Ether - Everything
Author(s) Athanassios A Nassikas
Keywords {{{keywords}}}
Published 2006
Journal None
No. of pages 46


The purpose of this work is to show that our basic communication system, which consists of Aristotle logic, the sufficient reason principle included, and the anterior-posterior axiom is contradictory. Thus, any consequences of this system can derive with the aid of a claim for minimum contradictions. On this basis, space-time is stochastic and it leads to a Matter Space-Time Relativistic Quantum Mechanics; this mechanics has similarities and differences with both the Relativity Theory and the Quantum Mechanics. Thus, a minimum contradictions unified model is proposed and equations of minimum contradictions everything are stated. On this basis new explanations for various questions of physics are given the gravitation, the second thermodynamic law and the fractal behavior of matter systems included. This work is based on previous papers from 1994 until now and it is written so that it can be regarded as a unified whole.