Origin of the Compton and de Broglie Relations

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Scientific Paper
Title Origin of the Compton and de Broglie Relations
Author(s) William C Daywitt
Keywords Compton wavelength, de Broglie wavelength, Einstein field equation, fine structure constant, gravitational constant, Planck constant, Planck vacuum
Published 2008
Journal Galilean Electrodynamics
Volume 19
Number 1
Pages 16-21


This paper suggests that the Compton and de Broglie relations have their origin in the Planck vacuum (PV) state as a balance between van-der-Waals- and Coulomb-type forces. The Compton and de Broglie radii of the elementary particles are those radii at which these two forces balance. Calculations suggest that the Einstein field equation describes the curvature of a spacetime associated with the PV. The elementary particles appear to emerge from the PV rather than the relativistic-particle vacuums (e.g. the Dirac vacuum of the electron), which are positive-energy states in the present PV approximation. The most recent model of the PV is presented.