Particle Model

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The Particle Model is a model proposed by father-son team Bob de Hilster and David de Hilster that the entire universe and everything in it can be described as particles including light, gravity, electricity, magnetic fields, atomic structure, charge, polarity, refraction, reflection, and mass increase to name a few. The Particle Model can explain events that have no existing physical explanation including the double-slit experiment.


The particle model was developed by Robert and David de Hilster starting in 2006 and continues to this day. The first 10 years occurred in Long Beach California, and continues in Boca Raton Florida.

Carezani Graviton Experiment

The particle model started with an experiment proposed by Argentinean physicist, Dr. Ricardo Carezani to detect if gravity, a particle known as the "graviton", could be the cause of gravity. The experiment is a variation of the wikipedia:Cavendish Experiment. The experiment was performed as part of the feature-length documentary Einstein Wrong - The Miracle Year directed by David de Hilster in which David asked his father to help with the experiment after Carezani pulled out of the documentary film.


In order to make calculations for the experiment, Bob de Hilster developed a mathematical equation which summed up all the forces of gravitons entering, exiting, and hitting the objects. The model uses the actual geometry and mass of the objects in the experiment rather than use the points masses used in the Newtonian equation. These calculations need a precision of up to 50 decimal places and was written in C++ using a math package for ultra-high precision (up to 150)calculations.

The calculations lead to gravity "curves" that closely matched Newton's gravity curve. The curves match closely in shape, but not in value; but this was enough incentive for Bob to continue his studies even though the experiment did not prove that the graviton was the cause of gravity.

Gravity is not Free

Following years of study and calculations, Bob de Hilster wrote down his findings in the book Gravity is not Free of which there are four parts. Part 1 explains how David got started in science. Part 2 is the personal story of Bob's work and how it developed over time. Part 3 is a technical explanation with out any personal history. Part 4 is a compilation of paper relating to the gravity work.

The Speed of Gravity

One of the key aspects for the particle model is the claim that gravity and light both travel at the speed of light. Many scientists, including Newton, claim that gravity is "instantaneous action at a distance". Relativity states that an object cannot go faster than light. However recent experiments in China during an eclipse concluded that the speed of gravity is the same as the speed of light, or nearly so.

Bob was convinced in December of 2008 that the speed of gravity was at or about the speed of light by analyzing the experiments by Maurice Allais (1954 and 1959) and Qian-Shen Wang (1997).

A Solution to the Wave / Particle Duality

By far the biggest breakthrough and impetus for creating the particle model was a solution to the wikipedia::Wave Particle Duality by Bob de Hilster in April of 2015. While working in a gravity group from members of the CNPS, Bob was looking at possible wave solution to gravity concluding it must be a very low-frequency and low intensity wave.

Following that work, Bob asked the question: "How can I make a particle act like a wave?" It turned out that Bob could not make one particle act like a wave and cause white light. It takes at least three particles and then there are still other problems. It was then that Bob considered the possibility that a stream of particles with repetitive pattern could have a wave length. The peak of the wave would contain many particles and the valley almost none where the wave length is the distance between peaks. Hence: NO WAVE/PARTICLE DUALITY"

Electrons, Ionel Dinu, and Infinity

A few months after Bod de Hilster's suggested solution to the wave / particle duality, his son David de Hilster added other aspects to the model that David collected over the years from other scientists working outside the mainstream.

The Particle Model

Levels of the Universe

The Particle Model proposes that there are multiples levels of the universe which contain particles, atoms, and molecules.

We humans exist in Level 1 where there are two particles, the nucleon (N1) and the gravity 1 particle (G1). The atom is made up of nucleons, which replace the proton and the neutron, and the G1 replaces the electron. There is no electric charge in the particle model, it is a true mechanical model. Molecules and larger objects in Level 1 are made from these atoms. Of course there are multiple atoms which are defined in the existing atomic table. The atoms, molecules, and larger objects are held together by gravity 2 particles (G2) which come from Level 2.

In Level 2 there are two particles, the nucleon 2 particle (N2) and the gravity 2 particle (G2). These particles are much smaller than the N1 and G1 and are the components of subatomic atoms. Yes, the Particle Model suggests that there are atoms at a level 2. There is no direct evidence to show that the N2 particle exists. But there is indirect evidence that the G2 particle exists. See the section on the "Light".

Is there a Level 3 and more? The philosophical concept of infinity suggests that there could be many more levels. Given that there is no evidence, direct or indirect, for level 3, the authors cannot press the issue.

Particle Characteristics

The N1 particle replaces the proton and the neutron. The N1 is not electrically charged. The nucleus of atoms are held together by G2 gravity. Hence G2 gravity is the nuclear binding force. The value of the mass of the nucleon is not measured in kilograms (Kg). See the section on "Mass". The speed of the N1 particle is limited by the drag caused by G1 gravity (Newtonian gravity) and is much slower than the speed of light.

The G1 particle is the particle that orbits the nucleus of the atom. As such it has a very high speed, at or about the speed of light. The value of the mass of the G1 is not measured in kilograms (Kg). See the section on "Mass".

The G2 particles come from subatomic atoms, Level 2 atoms, and have a speed much greater than the speed of light. Yes, greater than the speed of light. See the section on "Refraction of light".


Probably the most important concept in the Particle Model is its definition of light. Light is "a stream of G1 particles moving at speed 'c' and it has a repetitive pattern". Insert Figure

Figure 1 shows an idealized streams of particles where the peak of the stream has many G1s and the valley of the stream has very few or even none. This stream is based on a perfect sine wave, but can take any form. It can represent a square wave, a triangular wave, a radio wave, and all of the waves in the spectrum.

Refraction of Light and a New Gravity

When this concept of light is applied to refraction, the concept of a second gravity was generated. The question asked was: "What force is required to cause the light to bend as it enters a prism?" This is type of question that Newton asked when he observed the motion of the apple and the moon. Figure 2a shows Newtonian gravity while Figure 2b shows the forces required to bend a beam of light. Insert Figure

G1 gravity (Newtonian gravity) acts on apple and the moon. The force lines are all pointed toward the center of the object. The force lines in Figure 2b do not point that way. Newtonian gravity moves large objects while the force lines in Figure 2b moves light (streams of G1 particles). Clearly, if the direction is different and what moves is different, then maybe there is a second gravity (G2) that is the cause of refraction. Bob de Hilster has stated several times that: "You have to give Einstein credit. He said gravity bends light gravity". He just picked the wrong gravity".

The particle model follows Glenn Borchardt's infinity in that there is not ultimate particle. Likewise, there is now "largest" structure with all things made up of bigger and bigger structures (reference Universal Cycle Theory).

===Atomic Structure

