Quaternions, Maxwell Equations and Lorentz Transformations

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Scientific Paper
Title Quaternions, Maxwell Equations and Lorentz Transformations
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Author(s) Jose Luis Lopez-Bonilla
Keywords Maxwell equations, rotations, electromagnetic field
Published 2005
Journal Apeiron
Volume 12
Number 4
No. of pages 14

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In this work: a) We show that the invariance of the Maxwell equations under duality rotations brings into scene to the complex vector (c B iE ? ?), whose components allow to construct a quaternionic equation for the electromagnetic field in vacuo. b) For any analytic function f of the complex variable z, it is possible to prove that is a Debye potential for itself, which permits to reformulate the corresponding Cauchy-Riemann relations. Here we show that the Fueter conditions- when z is a quaternion- also accept a similar reformulation and a very compact quaternionic expression. c) We exhibit how the rotations in three and four dimensions can be described through a complex matrix relation or equivalently by a quaternionic formula.