Stellar Collapse

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Scientific Paper
Title Stellar Collapse
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Author(s) Richard A Waldron
Keywords stellar collapse, ballistic theory of light
Published 1990
Journal Apeiron
Volume 1
Number 7
No. of pages 6
Pages 4-7

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The phenomenon of stellar collapse is considered from the viewpoint of the neo-Newtonian ballistic theory of light. The restrictions of the special theory of relativity are thus removed.  The theory predicts that a collapsing star will expand again, and continue to alternately expand and collapse at a rate depending on the mass and greatest radius of the star. On each cycle material will be lost, including photons which appear to distant observers as the emissions of a pulsar. It is concluded that pulsars are oscillating stars, that these eventually "evaporate" away completely, and that there is no such object as a black hole.