Unified Cycle Theory: Integration Toward a Cause

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Scientific Paper
Title Unified Cycle Theory: Integration Toward a Cause
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Author(s) Glenn Borchardt, Stephen J Puetz
Keywords volcanic episodes, climate change, intergalactic density, ether, cycle theory, univironmental determinism, microcosm, macrocosm, submicrocosm, supermicrocosm, ten assumptions of science
Published 2010
Journal Proceedings of the NPA
Volume 7
No. of pages 7
Pages 46-52

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Previous work supplied the data and statistical support for the Unified Cycle Theory, which showed the connection between various recurring earthly as well as cosmic phenomena. A theoretically infinite sequence of cycles (EUWS) occurs throughout the universe, connected by a single factor of three. The period of each larger cycle, whether it be a geological epoch or climatic fluctuation, is three times the next smallest cycle. Statistical analysis showed that the identified cycles are neither subjective nor random. The universal range of these cycles begs a universal cause. With naturally occurring oscillations tied to the EUWS cycles serving as key evidence, we present a new Theory of Infinitely Oscillating Density and Magnetism. We hypothesize that these fluctuations conform to Borchardt's Ten Assumptions of Science. In terms of univironmental determinism, all microcosms within the universe constantly oscillate in both density and magnetism. These microcosms are bathed in a sea of supermicrocosms capable of transmitting different motions dependent on the EUWS fluctuations. The Theory of Infinitely Oscillating Density and Magnetism integrates concepts from both standard and alternative theories. This integrated theory helps to explain numerous mysteries that have long puzzled physicists, astronomers, geologists, climatologists, economists, and sociologists.