How Vast is the Dynamic Energetic Stellar Radiation That Converges Constantly Toward Each cc. of Space?

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Scientific Paper
Title How Vast is the Dynamic Energetic Stellar Radiation That Converges Constantly Toward Each cc. of Space?
Author(s) William G Carnahan
Keywords dynamic energy, stellar radiation, space, Cuanta, mass, momentum
Published 1983
Journal None
Pages 8-10


For several years we have felt challenged to throw more light on the good questions posed by splendid respondents relating to the above topic. They ask: "How many Cuanta are converging everywhere?" In other words, how much dynamic-energy-mass-momentum (DEMM) is converging today toward certain specific spots in space, - perhaps on the now vacant cc. of space where the pupil of your eye or the nail of your thumb was located six months ago?